Monday, May 23, 2011

One For All...

Welcome Ward Circle residents !
  This newfangled gadget...the Blog...may be just what the Doctor ordered...or at least open a broader avenue of communications and dialog that will serve us in the near future and beyond.
  It is the facilitator's desire that everyone in Ward Circle at some point, when the spirit moves them, become an author for this blog...somewhat like writing for the op-ed section of a newspaper rather than a letter to the editor...and all pieces are self-edited and published as is and preferably signed.
  We can imagine that this forum will serve us best by brainstorming solutions together rather than just airing grievances and complaints...all ideas can be considered at this stage and may later become the crux of community action.
  This blog is a work in progess...please stay tuned and feel free to post and/or comment...or just feel free! >>>>>glenn